
Want to collaborate with sierra y olas?

sierra y olas is a collection of travel stories, photographs, and road trips that explore adventuring in its many forms — from the mountains to the sea and everything in between. Through images and words, we hope to inspire others to journey and find their own adventure.

Kenzie and Will inspire fellow explorers to discover and connect with new and unique places. They want to encourage everyone to get outdoors and explore more, even if it just on the weekends. Through our blog, we can help you reach your target audience of climbers, surfers, snowboarders, road trippers, overlanders, crazy dog ladies, gear nerds, etc.

Why collaborate with sierra y olas?

That's a great question!

We want to work with like minded companies who share our love and passion for the outdoors. We will feature your awesome products in our images to give our readers a visual of the neat clothes, energy bars, dog leashes, stoves, blankets and other cool stuff you may make. We believe giving our readers real reviews and information on products we have tried and tested. Through sierra y olas, you can reach a growing base of outdoor enthusiasts and adventurers.

Let us promote your awesome products and services!


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